Often categorized as “Magic Realism,” Rodney Wood’s paintings engage and mystify. His inspiration comes from a variety of sources but consistently appears via his desire to explore the human condition with enigma and mystery open doors to the unexpected.
Intaglio is the Italian word for engraving, and for his process, Phil Epp uses the method of drypoint, Michael Jilg makes etchings. Both techniques rely on images drawn on metal plates, with the printing ink then sitting just “below the surface” of the plate.
In Rodney Wood’s second exhibition featuring his “Humanimals” series, the unique personalities of some extraordinary friends provide yet another source of inspiration. This exhibition features reproductions of Wood's original series of paintings.
oil on panel (22x26)
Phil Epp
Saddle Horse
drypoint (4"x5") $200
Trisha is a beautiful woman, and that fact is not lost on her. She is a wonderful and giving person who does much for her community via hard work and devotion. That said, she does so with immaculate attention paid to her striking beauty.
Aesthete: a person who has refined sensitivity and appreciation of great beauty in art, nature, music, and poetry with an indifference to practical matters
* pricing info for all reproduction images (mounted or print only) is included in "Humanimals" text above
Another person who has been a cherished friend for many years, seemed predestined to have relationships only with people already in relationships. Simply put, Laurie was rarely “involved” with single people.
Note #1: Laurie has been happily married for years.
Note #2 : No, I’ll never tell
Paramour: lover; and most often considered to be an illicit lover, especially of a married person
A highly informed expert, appraiser and authenticator of
art, antiquities and artifacts. It is no surprise that Jordan is also an ardent collector. While Jordan bears little resemblance to this massive simian, he shares that attitude; you can view his treasures but only very few people get to touch them.
Collector: a person who collects books, art, stamps, antiques, relics and curious objects. More than an accumulator, this person is a devoted aficionado and expert in the field.
This painting was inspired not by a single person, but rather, a family. The Matthews were people who lived in a world dominated by the written word along with compilations of visual wonders such as nature, art and humanity. It’s as if the Matthews are part human and part “living books.” Their family has owned and operated bookstores for generations.
Literati: individuals or groups engaged in and focused upon literary pursuits; especially the appreciation of books
Brandon is a skilled multi-talented, musician and artist. It is common for him to be performing in different musical groups of various genres. However, his true passion is as a painter and he shows his work extensively. He also shares his expertise by being a very respected teacher and mentor.
Maestro: an eminent composer, teacher, or conductor of music;
a master of any art
One of my longest friendships include an entire family. The Mitchells often base their vacations on the presence of natural hot springs. They are not classical hedonists in that they enjoy sharing their pursuits of pleasure with friends and family. So, if there is such a thing as hyper-social hedonists and seekers of the good life, these people are the paradigm.
Hedonist: a person who believes that the life should be devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and living well
Many years ago, I was a ski instructor in New Mexico. During that time I met Brother Casey and we became ski buddies. Part of his duties within a Catholic church system was to curate, preserve and restore their art. He is an expert in regard to the symbolism and allegory found within the art and artifacts.
Gargoyle: grotesque figures often seen as church & cathedral architectural embellishments. They symbolize evil but, just as often, they were believed to serve as guardians against evil.
Marianne is simply one of those people who lives life with a unavoidable commitment to always “stopping to smell the flowers.” Her love of nature led her to becoming a highly admired master gardener. While flowers and plants may be her passion, she has that attitude of joy in all aspects of her life.
Joie de Vivre: keen or buoyant enjoyment of life that radiates vitalizing energy and inexhaustible gaiety (French translation - joy of life)
No matter the circumstance, Maria always finds a way to live the good life. Though not a person of wealth, she lives among art, gourmet food, fine wine and music. This admirable lifestyle is one she relishes sharing with friends and family.
Bon Vivant: a person who enjoys living “the good life” - a connoisseur of food, drink, dining and all of the other things that go along with a life of taste, luxury and panache.
Leo is a highly respected photographer with an impressive portfolio. His subject matter is diverse but with influenced by unrepentant curiosity. He sees life through a camera lens and does so with impressive artistic passion and skill. (Note: Leo only wishes he were this lithe and speedy)
Fauve : an artist of the early 20th century whose works are characterized chiefly by the use of vivid colors and/or style. The French translation of Fauvism is “Wild Beasts.”
My life has often overlapped with groups of authoritarians in positions such as judges or juries; not in the legal sense but rather in those panelists found within my art and athletic endeavors. This painting is a mélange of those various voices and opinionated characters.
(Note: having served on many art panels, one of these critters is a self-portrait - Can you guess?)
Jury: a group of persons chosen to adjudge prizes, awards and acknowledgement, as in a competition or exhibition
Though Susan is nomadic at times, it is more her impressive collection of, and unusual affiliation with, camels that inspired this piece. Her connection to Bactrian camels and dromedaries came about as the result of a game among friends imitating the sounds made by various critters. Her impersonation was memorable for its silly inaccuracy. Once that tale was shared, everyone started sending her camel objets d’art.
Nomad: a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place; wanderer, itinerant
SAVANT (left) oil on panel (16x12) $2,000
VIEWPOINTS (above) oil on panel (12x32) $2,000
* $3,000 if purchased as pair *
by Rodney Wood
Myron Thomas (M.T.) Liggett of Mullinville, Kansan was widely known for creating politically charged metal totems and whirligigs. He created a line-up of sculptural pieces along miles of pasture fence along US Highway 400 and Kansas Highway 54. His 70-plus acre roadside property has been home to as many as 600 small and large metal totems lampooning politicians; local, state and national officials; international figures; or anyone who caught his critical eye. The pieces are smart, witty, often biting, and many times humorous. It has been said he was an equal opportunity offender. His work includes references to Greek mythology, numerous former wives, friends, politicians, and acquaintances. M.T. Liggett died in August 2017